The 10 Secret- How to Stop Bleeding After Shaving Pubic Area Male

No doubt bleeding from shaving is the worst shave-cut experience, whether it’s your first time or the 100th. But fear not, because bleeding after shaving can be prevented! And while razor bumps, ingrown hair, and razor burn are all common shaving mishaps, bleeding is a serious concern.

By gently pressing the affected area, using styptic powder or alum block, and taking preventive steps, you can quickly stop this from reoccurring or continuing further. In this blog, we’ll talk about bleeding after shaving, how to stop bleeding from shaving, and what products you can use to keep your skin safe.

What Causes Pubic Hair Shaving Bleeding?

Shaving without proper care and attention can lead to irritation of the hair follicles, which can cause itching and bleeding. Ingrown hairs are a common waxing side effect, leading to itching and bleeding. The vital cause of bleeding from pubic hair shaving is using poorly maintained razors which can cause the skin to cut, leading to bleeding.

To prevent this issue, it is essential to use a razor with a protective guard and lubricant. When using a razor, it’s important not to shave too close or press too hard on the skin. And you must shave pubic hair toward hair growth rather than against it.

How do I stop bleeding when shaving Pubic?

When shaving pubic hair, it’s vital to use a sharp razor and go slow to avoid cuts and nicks. This will prevent irritation, which can cause ingrown hairs, razor burns, and eventually redness and swelling. To stop the bleeding, apply pressure to the cut with a clean, dry cloth or paper towel. This will help seal the wound and stop the bleeding.

You can also use an antiseptic such as witch hazel, an alcohol-based product, or eye drops to stop the bleeding. Lip balm or Vaseline can also help seal the wound and stop the bleeding. Before you start another pubic hair shaving session, remember to bring out the styptic pencil or alum block. They can help slow down or stop any further clotting of blood.

If you’re not sure how to go about this whole process, here are 10 tips you can follow when shaving your pubes that can ultimately reduce any bleeding during the session.

01: Paper to stop bleeding from a shaving cut

Bleeding from a shaving cut can be easily stopped using a tissue or sterile compress. Hold the tissue against the cut and gently push it back and forth until all the blood is absorbed. Replace used tissues with fresh ones as often as needed.

02: Hot water

The sensitive skin of the pubic region might be damaged by hot water. Hot water will also make it more difficult to shave properly since shaving cream or shaving gel is less effective. Use cold compresses to reduce inflammation and itching and lukewarm compresses to prevent possible irritation and stop pubic area bleeding. Since the heat can make it more vulnerable to infection, using cold water rather than warm or hot water is preferable to stop bleeding from pubic area shaving cuts.

03: Ice cube

Ice cubes are one way to stop bleeding from the pubic area. Ice cubes can be applied directly to the extent that it is bleeding. Cold temperatures can constrict blood vessels, which can help prevent bleeding. Another option is to use a towel soaked in cold water. These methods are generally effective but may take some time to work.

04: Sugar

To stop bleeding from razor cuts in the pubic or any cut area, one effective remedy is to sprinkle some sugar on the wound and leave it for a few minutes. The sugar will absorb the blood and help the cut heal. Afterward, rinse the area with lukewarm water to help the blood clot.

05: Witch hazel

Witch hazel is an effective natural remedy for stopping razor blade bleeding. It is an astringent, which means it helps constrict the blood vessels and reduce blood flow. When applied to the skin, it helps to reduce inflammation and tighten the skin, which helps to stop bleeding. It also has antiseptic properties, which help to reduce the risk of infection.

Witch hazel can be applied directly to the skin or mixed with other ingredients such as aloe vera, tea tree oil, or powdered cayenne pepper to create a soothing shaving cream or shaving paste. This mixture can also stop the bleeding in other areas of the body, such as under the armpits or around the hairline.

When used to stop bleeding from razor cuts in the pubic area, applying a generous amount of witch hazel with a cotton ball to the affected area is best.

06: An alcohol-based product

Alcohol-based products are effective at stopping bleeding from razor cuts in the pubic area because they are astringent, meaning they cause the blood vessels to constrict and reduce bleeding. Alcohol also has antiseptic properties, which can help kill any bacteria on the skin, reducing the chances of infection. And the cooling sensation of alcohol can help to reduce the pain associated with razor burn.

07: Lip balm or Vaseline

Lip balm or Vaseline can be used to help with the healing process of cuts and minor injuries when shaving the pubic area. Applying a small amount of either lip balm or Vaseline to the wound will help close the cut and stop the bleeding immediately.

Lip balm or Vaseline can be applied directly to the wound after shaving to help speed up healing and prevent infection. To reduce the risk of infection and promote healing, it is best to clean and disinfect the area with water after shaving.

The good thing is its cool compress can help reduce inflammation and itching and soothe the skin of the pubic area after shaving.

08: Styptic Powder

The styptic powder works by constricting the tissue around the cut, which helps to reduce bleeding and promote clotting.

It contains aluminum sulfate, which helps to constrict the blood vessels and reduce bleeding. This powder also has an astringent that helps to reduce swelling and encourage healing. When applying styptic powder to a razor cut, use a clean cotton swab and dab the powder on the wound.

Simply wet the affected area and apply the powder directly to the wound. Leave it on for a few minutes to allow it to take effect, then rinse the area with lukewarm water. This powder is also great for stopping bleeding from other minor cuts and injuries.

09: Eye drops

Eye drops contain chemicals acting as vasoconstrictors, meaning they can narrow blood vessels to constrict and reduce bleeding. When applied to a shaving cut, the vasoconstrictor in the eye drops will help reduce blood flow and minimize bleeding.

It is essential to clean the area with mild soap and water before applying the eye drops, as this will help prevent infection. Once the area is clean, apply the eye drops directly to the cut. To maximize the effectiveness, applying the drops every 10-15 minutes is recommended until the bleeding ceases.

10: A styptic pencil or an alum block

If you’re shaving the pubic area and are having trouble stopping the bleeding, use an alum block or styptic pencil to help. Alum block is another effective remedy for stopping bleeding from razor cuts and is made of potassium alum, which acts as an astringent and can stop the bleeding quickly. You can apply it by gently massaging it into the wound or placing a piece on top.

A styptic pencil is a small tool that contains a high concentration of styptic agents such as antiseptic ingredients like aluminum sulfate and often contains other ingredients such as witch hazel or alcohol to help stop the bleeding. Apply it by rubbing it against the wound to stop the blood flow.

Both alum blocks and styptic pencils are simple and inexpensive ways to help prevent bleeding after shaving the pubic area. You can also apply cold water to reduce swelling or ice to reduce pain. These steps will help reduce any potential damage to your skin and help ensure smooth, safe shaving in the future.

Are shaving cuts Serious?

Pubic area shaving can be tricky, and it’s not uncommon to end up with a few nicks or cuts. Sometimes it can be severe, mainly if they occur in sensitive areas like the pubic area. Happily, most shaving cuts are minor and can be easily handled at home. Try putting a few eyes drops on the cut to stop bleeding from razor cuts, as the astringent properties help constrict the capillaries and reduce blood flow. Just remember to tilt your head back before adding the drops!

In general, it’s best to take precautions when shaving to avoid cuts in the first place, such as using a sharp razor and shaving cream and shaving in the direction of hair growth. While most cuts are minor, if they do not stop bleeding after a few minutes, you may need medical attention to ensure proper healing and prevent infection.

How to Prevent Pubic Hair Shaving Bleeding?

Prevention is key

Preventing bleeding from shaving in the pubic area is better than stopping it. To prevent bleeding, it’s vital to shave correctly. Use a sharp razor with a protective guard and lubricant. Don’t shave too close or press too hard on the skin. Shave in the direction of hair growth rather than against it. Before shaving, exfoliate the skin to remove dead skin cells and ingrown hairs. And after shaving, apply a soothing balm or lotion to prevent irritation.

To prevent bleeding while shaving pubic hair, it is important to take certain precautions:

Trim the hair first: If the hair is long, it is recommended to trim it down first using scissors or clippers.

Soften the hair: Take a warm shower or soak it in a bathtub for a few minutes to soften the hair and make it easier to shave.

Use a shaving cream or gel: Apply a generous amount to the area before shaving to help reduce friction and irritation.

Use a sharp razor: A dull razor can cause more nicks and cuts. Use a sharp, clean razor to help prevent bleeding.

Shave in the direction of hair growth: Shaving against the direction of hair growth can cause more irritation and increase the risk of bleeding.

Mirror: Also, take a mirror with you when shaving, so you can check your progress and make sure you’re getting it smooth and even

Rinse the area with cold water: After shaving, rinse the area with cold water to help close the pores and reduce the risk of bleeding.

Apply an aftershave lotion or cream: Use an aftershave lotion or cream that contains a mild antiseptic or witch hazel to help prevent infection and soothe the skin.

By following these precautions, you can prevent pubic hair shaving bleeding.

A Guide to Avoiding Nicks and Cuts While Shaving Your Pubic Area

Shaving your pubic area can be an intimidating prospect. It’s a delicate area that is prone to nicks and cuts if you’re not careful. But, with the proper techniques and tips, you can ensure your shaving experience goes as smoothly as possible. Read on for our guide to avoiding nicks and cuts while shaving your pubic area.

Final Words:

Bleeding from shaving in the pubic area can be a scary experience, but it doesn’t have to be. By taking proper precautions before and during shaving, using the right products, and following the above 10 tips, you can prevent and stop bleeding from razor cuts in the pubic area. Always use a sharp razor with a protective guard and lubricant, and shave in the direction of hair growth rather than against it. And if you do experience bleeding, don’t panic – there are plenty of remedies to stop it quickly and effectively.


Why do I bleed every time I shave my pubes?

There are a few possible reasons why you may bleed after shaving your pubes.

One reason is that a dull blade can cause tiny cuts and bleeding. Not using lubricants, like shaving gel, can also lead to razor burn and bleeding. No worry because bleeding after shaving is normal in first-time/new shavers and is more likely to happen in sensitive, tight pore areas.

What is the best way to remove pubic hair to avoid pain?

The most effective method for painless pubic hair removal can vary depending on personal preference, skin sensitivity, and budget. While options such as waxing, shaving, depilatory creams, and laser hair removal are available, the ideal choice for pain-free pubic hair removal differs from person to person. Based on my own experience, trimming works well for me, but those seeking a longer-lasting solution may prefer laser hair removal.

Is it normal to bleed while shaving your pubes?

Because of the sensitive skin in that area, it’s not unusual to get small cuts or irritations when shaving pubic hair. But if you’re bleeding a lot or for a long time, you might need to change your method or use gentle products. If you are worried, you should see a doctor.

Is Bleeding and Bumps After Waxing Normal?

Bleeding and bumps after waxing is not entirely uncommon, but they are not considered a typical or expected outcome of the procedure. Bleeding may occur if the waxing technician accidentally removes some of the top layers of skin along with the hair, which can happen if the wax is too hot or the skin is stretched too tightly during the procedure. Bumps may occur due to skin irritation or ingrown hairs. To minimize the risk of these side effects, preparing the skin properly before waxing, using high-quality wax, and following post-waxing care instructions is essential. If bleeding or bumps persist or are severe, it may be best to consult a medical professional for advice.

What are the benefits of using apple cider vinegar for shaving?

Apple cider vinegar can be used for various reasons when it comes to shaving. It can be used as a pre-shave solution to soften the skin and help reduce the appearance of ingrown hairs.

Some of the benefits of using AVC (apple cider vinegar) for shaving include: 

  • -Preventing ingrown hairs and inflammation 
  • -Reducing the appearance of ingrown hairs 
  • -Helping reduce bumps and irritation caused by shaving 
  • -Reducing razor burn and irritation caused by shaving.

Does apple cider vinegar really work for shaving cuts?

Apple cider vinegar can potentially work for shaving cuts due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. When applied topically, it can help to soothe the skin and reduce redness and swelling. Its antibacterial properties may also help to prevent infection in the affected area. To use apple cider vinegar for shaving cuts, you can soak a cotton ball in the vinegar and apply it directly to the affected area for a few minutes. All of the above information has limited evidence on the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar for shaving cuts, but some people swear by it.

Is there a difference between regular and unfiltered apple cider vinegar?

Yes, there is a difference between regular and unfiltered apple cider vinegar.

  • Unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains the mother and appears cloudy or murky in appearance. The mother in unfiltered apple cider vinegar is believed to have health benefits, such as improving digestion and supporting the immune system. Unfiltered apple cider vinegar has more health benefits than regular apple cider vinegar.
  • Regular apple cider vinegar is clear and has been filtered to remove any sediment or “mother” (a colony of beneficial bacteria and yeast) that may be present. Apple cider vinegar can help stop bleeding from shaving the pubic area.

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